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If your head was previously repaired with a Helicoil and you have casting number RF-1L2E you must use the counterbore tool manually by placing it in the head and going down 5/16 to 3/8 of an inch to remove the step before starting with the reamer tool.
The most important part in the above casting number is the second set of digits 1L2E.
Location of casting number: This Casting number can be found just above the
exhaust manifold.
If you use a digital camera or cell phone camera and take a picture you will see the image correctly.
If looking down from the passenger side it should be located just below the oil dip stick.
If looking down from the driver side it should be located further back near the firewall.
If you use a mirror to see it from the top view note that the number will appear backwards.
You are just looking for the RF-1L2E start of the casting number.
Below is a Section view of problem:
The left picture "problem head 1L2E" will not allow the reamer to the correct location.
The p/n 5553 kit includes a counterbore that will prepair the hole by cutting out the "extra step" of aluminum
not present in other ford heads.

Counterbore explained:
The counterbore p/n 55518 is a self guiding tool that has a pilot shank with 45 degree stop just before the 4 cutting teeth. The counterbore will cut out the extra material found in the FORD 1L2E heads and will stop at the correct depth by stopping on the original OEM taper seat in the aluminum head.
You must countersink manually by hand without removing the head 5/16 to 3/8 of an inch.
You will have to place the counterbore in the hole then mark the "wrench" to visually go down 5/16 to 3/8 of an inch to
remove the step of aluminum found in these heads.
Now continue with the p/n repair kit and the insert will be in the correct location.
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