If the standard 6" drill is too long for your application we do have a 5" screw machine drill
available. The 5" screw machine drill will have to be turned by hand with a 12 point socket
or crescent wrench. The diameter will not fit a drill motor.
The standard drill length is 6" with a 1/2 shank.
The kit p/n for the M18x1.5 drain pan kit with the screw machine length drill is p/n 1815CSM
The 38151SM DRLL CAN BE TURNED BY HAND WITH a 9/16" 12 point socket.
Counterbore will use a 5/16 inch 12 point socket will fit the counterbore
Tap 15mm metric 12 point socket will fit the tap
Driver 12mm metirc 12 point socket will fit the driver
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